Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cop Shoppe in Development

Developing a story like “Cop Shoppe” takes many rewrites to attract name talent to a project. Fortunately, the latest version of the story attracted names you’ve seen and enjoyed on screen numerous times. All preliminary meetings went better than expected and you can read more about it on our Cop Shoppe website.

Development is a difficult time for a producer, as intension, timing and talent must come together. Several times during the process, some find themselves in a position where they are about to be attached to the project, but instead find that an interested person of a higher caliber of skill and following has replaced them.

Relationships, budgets and timing become important factors in how a film comes together. The ole saying is that its about who you know, until you get an opportunity, then it’s about how you perform. The last thing you want to have happen is getting an opportunity that is beyond you, causing you to crash and burn – turning your relationships south.

On the other side of the spectrum is the need to be challenged enough that you can step up to the next level of improving your craft and becoming the best in your field. This fine line makes the difference between those who become well known and those who stay locked into certain markets or genres.

Development is all about developing the story, characters, networks, relationships, etc. It is the most difficult phase of a production and gets the least rewards. So, follow me on the journey with “Cop Shoppe” and find out if the project gets off the ground or crashes and burns.

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