Friday, April 23, 2010

CJ’s Congratulations to Award Nominated Francine Locke

album.php.jpgIt was a pleasure to work with Francine on “Family Law” and I’m thrilled she was nominated for Best Actress at the Gideon Short Film Festival. She brought a significant depth to her character and displayed a range of emotions that exceeded my expectations.

Francine and I had several conversations prior to production in order to make certain her character was developed fully. She was adamant about getting every nuance right. She was determined to make her character, law firm partner Carol Peters, believable and realistic. She not only accomplished that goal, but the wife of a local attorney shared that her character was just like one of the lawyers in her husband’s firm.

I’ll never forget shooting the climax of the film in one take. That was an experience of a lifetime. With the climax of the film being so critical, most directors shoot numerous takes to ensure they got exactly what’s needed. Amazingly, Francine did it perfectly in the first take. Just in case something happened to the footage, I did shoot a “safety,” but never even looked at it in post.

Francine gave me an incredible experience directing her in “Family Law”. I marveled at her performance and found my job as a director easy to do with her in the lead role. I wish her well and look forward to her returning from The Gideon with an award in hand.

And, if I might add a selfish thought, I’m looking forward to working with her again in “Cop Shoppe.” It’s a story about detective Sandy Conner (Francine Locke) who attempts to expunge king pin Diaz after he puts her son’s life in peril. Her only recourse to serve justice and put Mr. Diaz behind bars rests in the decision to trust her by-the-book newbie partner and give up her teenage son.

Congratulations Francine on the nomination!

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