Monday, April 19, 2010


Everyone has an opinion, but few voice it. Some feel their thoughts don’t matter or count, while others feel their words will fall short of affecting change. Yet, every day there are millions of bloggers worldwide who share their thoughts regardless of what others think. Some are fired from their jobs for it and others are elevated into the limelight.

I’ve been told that writers write, even though less than one percent ever get published by someone else. I’ve also been told that everyone has at least one book inside of them, yet few attempt it and less get published. I can’t help but wonder that if everyone has a book inside of their heart waiting to come out, does that make them a writer and should they be writing?

God wrote His book and it was number one on the best sellers list year after year, until they finally determined to take it off so others could have a shot at being number one. Today, the Bible still outsells all other books, even though it no longer is counted on the best sellers’ list.

And what about the perspective on words by those who deal with hurting people?

One person expounded numerous times how people should never overlook an opportunity to keep their mouth shut. Does this suggest we shouldn’t bother to write our story or share it verbally? Or, are we just prone to use our gift of communication to hurt others, rather than bless them?

I’ve been told that women speak 25,000 words a day, while men speak 5,000. Does that suggest that there should be more women authors than men? Glancing at several categories on the best sellers list today, it is dominated by men.

And what about personal communication? I learned that men during dating step up to about 15,000 words a day, attracting the woman of their choice. Unfortunately, statistics show that once married, men return to 5,000 words a day. While some women are disappointed that he no longer communicates, others consider if they are talking too much and squelching his opportunity to share. In the meantime, the man may have just determined to never overlook an opportunity to keep his mouth shut in order to stay out of the doghouse.

The Bible tells us that words are important, as even God spoke the world into existence. It also expounds that the tongue is difficult to control and is capable of both blessing and cursing. Many books have been written on the topic, one of which states that words of affirmation are a needed gift of love for others. A gift that feels good when expressed and feels all the better when received.

Our words not only express sentiment and love, but it also reveals our dark side of anger and cruelty. Many of us fight the words that echo in our heads from decades gone by, when our ears heard how terrible of a person we were. We found ourselves embracing those dreaded words, only to review them every time we embark on a challenge – giving us pause about if we are good enough to accomplish a task.

I chatted with a friend yesterday about finishing one of my many books. My head spun in a sea of bewilderment, as I couldn’t see any reason to proceed. I was writing a series for the community outreach program I participate in every week, but one of the leaders was adamant about me not sharing my books with the people. So, without an outlet for the books, I found no reason to complete the series.

Some might suggest I write in faith, believing that when I’m done there will be a market for it. Others would suggest that since I’m not an expert on the topic, I have no right to write it. Still others have shared that I’m a writer and I need to write. While yet another would remind me to never overlook an opportunity to be silent.

It appears that everyone has an opinion if I should or shouldn’t write, but few know what is on my heart unless I risk sharing it. Some will read my every word, while others only read those articles of interest to them. Still others won’t even bother with reading anything I’ve written, regardless of how close of a friend they might be.

Since writers can’t please everyone, they should just write what is on their heart to share. As for me, I’ve just completed the first draft of a feature screenplay titled “Cop Shoppe”. It’s a type of cop adventure I enjoy watching, includes some twists in the plot and a great message that evil will continue to prosper until good men are willing to make sacrifices instead of living a comfortable passive life.

In other words, I’ve decided not to keep my mouth shut, nor am I using a medium that hasn’t opened its doors to me. I’m making the effort to share my heart in an area that I hope many people will embrace, but if not, I at least shared what was on my heart to share.

Whether in media or in personal communication, it’s my opinion that taking the time to share our heart is what words were made for. I hope you take time and share your heart this week with someone who will appreciate your words of blessing.

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