Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Dancing Minds

Anne’s eyes pulled tightly closed. She wasn’t about to let the tear welling in her eye release in front of her prospects. It was her first time out since the divorce and she was determined to meet someone. Three years was long enough. While her emotions were barely controllable, she calmed and slowly opened her eyes to a group of men standing across the dance floor.

Anne’s nerves were heightened more than usual. She was unwavering to the task of learning if she was still attractive. She scanned the room until her eyes found a gentle set of hazel eyes looking back at her. Did he notice me or is he looking right through me?

Jason’s eyes quickly dropped to the floor. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. His nerves spiked off the chart. He couldn’t comprehend the beauty of the women whose image was instantly seared into his mind for all eternity. His heart was pounding and he started to feel like he was in over his head. But, he had to look again.

Her beauty was… Breath. Breath again. Jason focused on breathing before he turned pail. What was it about her beauty that put his body into such a conniption? Why would beauty be so alarming? Breath. His heart pounded harder and he knew there would be no relief until he walked over and said something to her.

Oh, no. What would he say? He was sure to say something stupid or just babble as he drooled over her gimlet eyes. He was under her spell and it took all his effort to stand without wavering. He must stop looking.

Anne looked away. She couldn’t believe that she was locked onto a man like a vulture. Maybe she wasn’t ready for this dating thing. It had been 29 years since she had to attract anyone and her skin wasn’t as soft and creamy as it once was. And, what of her hair? She tried to fluff her brunette hair, catching the light in her highlights. She suddenly stopped.

Two other men were now looking at her like she was a piece of meat. Oh, what did she get herself into and why do men have to be so visual? A chuckle rose from within and drew her mouth into a big smile. There she stood wanting to find out if she was still attractive and now she was trying to find a way to hide from the gawkers. Oh, the irony.

Anne made an obvious turn to the first man in hopes of discouraging the others. He looked a little shy, yet he was dressed like a professional who dominated his industry. The way he carried himself suggested a high acumen for business, yet he had a cute approachableness that seemed to be buried in a sense of shyness.

Jason took another deep breath. How could he walk across the floor without tripping? There had to be some way for him to approach her without coming across as foolish as he felt. Then again, maybe she was the type that loved men melting down to the level of an idiot after receiving a dose of her beauty. And, what of her heart? It had to be even more beautiful, since beauty radiates from the inside out.

Jason chuckled. He knew the difference between the plastic look many women put on to pretend they are beautiful inside and the real women who glow from a deep inner beauty that can’t be kept in. He looked right at her and knew instantly that her smile was genuine and approachable. To gently press his lips up against hers – Wait! What was he doing? Fantasizing was for women. Was he coming unglued?

Jason looked again. She was still there and looking in his direction. Her slender body was perfectly shaped and the way she tilted her head. Oh, my word. He was taking a step. What happened? Another step. Jason was moving and he couldn’t stop himself. He would soon be across the floor only to say something stupid that he’d regret for the rest of his life.

Anne noticed that her professional was moving her direction. She looked right at him and a big smile came on her face. It was involuntary and she wasn’t sure it was appropriate or if it made her look desperate, but it was growing with every step he took. Get a grip on yourself girl, life is about to change.

There was no turning back. Jason was just two steps away and couldn’t turn, since it was clear where he was headed. His mouth started to open, but what would he say? Would it be cute, witty or romantic? No, not romantic for the first…

“I, uhm, you…”

“Hi, I’m Anne.” She held out her hand to shake.

Jason took her hand and felt a rush within his soul. Her hand was softer than he anticipated; yet her handshake was firm. He knew in a moment that her heart was just as soft, but she had the gumption to deal with difficult situations in life regardless of how she might hate doing so. To find a woman like this, hmm. Oh, wait a minute. He was in the middle of a greeting. Stay focused. You can do it.

“I’m Jason.”

There, he did it. He got his name out and didn’t say anything foolish. In fact, he didn’t trip on the way over to meet her. Things were looking up. Oops, there is that dreaded silence. What am I supposed to talk about?

Anne smiled, realizing that Jason was still holding her hand. It was kind of cute. And, it felt good. It had been too long since anyone desired to hold her hand. It felt really good. But, it was clear she had to start the conversation. So, here goes.

“You look like a businessman, what do you do for a living?”

“I’m really new at this dating thing.”

What was that? Anne wondered if she was talking with a needy guy who didn’t know how to handle himself with women. Or, maybe she should give him the benefit of the doubt. Was he the strong yet transparent type who was opening his heart to her from day one? No, that would be too good to be true.

“I just needed to, well I wanted to let you know that I’m going to stumble over my words tonight, a little any way, because I’m not, well your beauty is startling awesome and it’s distracting my thoughts a bit, here, tonight. Well of course tonight, I mean we, I just met you.”

Wow. This guy is either a mess or I’m the greatest highlight in his life. And, he’s sweet too. Good looking. Definitely a brave soul. I just don’t know how men work up the courage and place themselves in harms way to receive major rejections, especially with first lines like that. But, I like him.

“Jason, that is so nice of you to say. I really appreciate your openness and I can see you have a good heart.” Oops, too much. Is he turning red?

Anne grabs his arm. “I assumed you came over here to dance?”

“Yes,” Jason smiled and led Anne onto the dance floor.

The up beat tempo allowed for freedom of movement even though Anne knew her skills lacked. Her only solace was that most men would see her moves as special in comparison to their own questionable dance movements. The good news, they were moving and his excess energy would soon dissipate so they could have a normal conversation and actually get to know each other.

Anne smiled. She knew that she had found a great guy and was looking forward to the weeks ahead in building the relationship in time for the family reunion. And who knows, if others like him, maybe he would be a keeper.

Jason smiled. He knew that he was in way out of his league, but being honest up front seemed to work. He would definitely focus on opening his heart more in the coming weeks and enjoy the fun they might have together. He chuckled. He couldn’t believe how many hours he fretted about attending the singles function. He would absolutely be able to walk away from this one with dignity and great arm candy.

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